Five photos to tell a story Drukuj
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Wpisany przez Joanna Gloc   
poniedziałek, 11 kwietnia 2011 11:08

You are the only one person, who has survived the biggest world cataclysm. You wake up in a completely different world, everything, what you have known - disappeared: buildings, trees, flowers, roads, cars, bikes and of course - people. There are, however, some creatures (from other planet?) that found you and took care of you. But they do not have any idea about the previous world. You would tell them a story...

You have just noticed that in your pocket you have some photos, which you cut from some newspapers just yesterday. There are five of them. You have come up with an idea, that you would tell a story of your world through these five photographs. What is on them? What kind of situations, emotions and places had been captured?